
Scientific Materials on Digital Literature Literacy and Literature Digital Reading Skills

As part of our commitment to advancing digital literacy in European schools, in this page we present a curated collection of scientific materials focused on Digital Literature Literacy (DLL) and Literature Digital Reading (LDR). These materials serve as essential references for educators, researchers, and policymakers seeking evidence-based insights into the intersection of literature, technology, and pedagogy.

Understanding Digital Literature Literacy (DLL) and Literature Digital Reading (LDR)

Digital Literature Literacy (DLL): This term encompasses the ability to critically engage with digital literary forms. DLL extends beyond traditional print media and includes authentic materials delivered via digital platforms. These materials—ranging from e-books and interactive narratives to web pages and multimedia content — offer unique opportunities for language development, cultural exploration, and creative expression. Literature Digital Reading (LDR): LDR refers to the art of reading and interpreting digital literature. It involves navigating complex narratives, decoding multimodal texts, and understanding the interplay between words, images, and interactive elements. LDR skills empower learners to explore diverse literary landscapes while honing their digital competences.

Our repository features a diverse array of scholarly works, including research articles, case studies, and theoretical frameworks. Feel free to explore our collection by topic, author, or publication year. Whether you’re interested in pedagogical approaches, assessment methods, or the impact of digital reading on language comprehension, you’ll find valuable insights within these scientific materials.
Remember that our goal is to bridge theory and practice, equipping educators with evidence-based strategies to foster DLL and LDR skills in their classrooms. Stay curious, engage with the research, and contribute to the ongoing dialogue surrounding digital literacy in education.
For inquiries or additional resources, please contact our project team.

Happy reading!


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    Last modified: Thursday, 7 March 2024, 9:11 AM